Pluto in the 6th House (natal or transit)
I'm never satisfied with what I do. I always think I can do it a lot……
Pluto in the 5th House (Natal or Transit)
The Meaning of Pluto "I am Pluto, the planet of deep transformation and…
Pluto in the 4th House (Natal or Transit)
The Meaning of Pluto "I am Pluto, the planet of deep transformation and…
Saturn in Aspect to Personal Planets and the "Impostor Syndrome"
What is "impostor syndrome"? Imposter syndrome defines an internal…
The 3rd Chakra and Your Sun Sign
What is a chakra? The chakras, or wheels in Sanskrit, are spinning wheels of…
Mars in Taurus - The Sculptor
Mars is the planet of initiative. It rules the sign of Aries, the first sign…
1965 ... The Year Uranus and Pluto Created a New Paradigm
If we look at the concept of the old paradigm that, in a certain way, still…
29th Degree or Anaretic in Astrology
What is the meaning of the 29th or Anaretic Degree in Astrology? The word…
The Planets as Doors to the Unconscious
Through experience, I have noticed that the planets in astrology show us…
How Long Each Planet Stays in a Sign?
In Astrology, we call planets to all the celestial bodies that are on the sky,…