Neptune in the 2nd House Natal and Transit

Neptune in the 2nd House (Natal and Transit)

Natal Neptune in the 2nd House When Neptune is in the 2nd house of a natal…

Neptune in the 1st House (Natal and Transit)

Natal Neptune in the 1st House When Neptune is in the 1st house of a natal…

Chiron in Astrology

The Meaning of Chiron in Astrology

In astrology, Chiron represents a part of our psyche that carries deep and…

The Planets in Astrology

The Meaning of the Planets in Astrology II

In astrology, planets play a crucial role. They are powerful vehicles and…

Retrograde Saturn

Natal Retrograde Saturn

Introduction In esoteric astrology, a natal retrograde Saturn is interpreted…

Venus in the Signs

How do you discover the Twelve Venus of the Zodiac?

How do you discover the Venus of each sign? It is a question that invites us…

Moon in Libra

Moon in Libra

Observing the Moon through the lens of Libra introduces a dimension of…

Moon in Virgo

Moon in Virgo

Observing the Moon through the lens of Virgo offers a unique perspective on…

Moon in Leo

Moon in Leo

If we focus on interpreting the Moon primarily in its role of caring and…

Lilith in the houses

Lilith in the Houses: How Your 'Curse' Is Your Greatest Blessing

In the depths of our birth chart lies a powerful and often misunderstood…

Chiron 1st House and Natal Transit

Chiron Transiting the 1st House

When Chiron transits the first house of a natal chart, it focuses intensely on…

Venus in Scorpio Mystical

The Mystical Venus in Scorpio

The Mystical Venus in Scorpio dives into the abysses of the soul, seeking to…