What is a chakra?

The chakras, or wheels in Sanskrit, are spinning wheels of energy located along the spine. According to tradition, the chakras represent the areas of the body where the spiritual and the physical meet. Each chakra rotates at different speeds, which determines its frequency and color.

Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura

“I am true to myself”

  • Chakra: 3rd
  • Color: Yellow
  • Sound: RAM
  • Element: Fire
  • Physical Location: Diaphragm
  • Key Word: I Can

This chakra is related to the Sun, solar force, personal power, vitality, self-esteem and authenticity. When it is blocked or unbalanced, we can experience lack of confidence, insecurity and self-esteem problems among other things, as well as digestive problems of various kinds.

Balancing the 3rd Chakra Through Your Sun Sign

For those who are new to astrology, our sun sign is what we call “our sign”. When we say “I am a Gemini” or “I am a Taurus”, what we are referring to is our Sun sign.

The third chakra corresponds to our sun sign. The Sun rules Leo, the sign of the Lion. In this sign we learn that personal power is based on the self-expression of the authenticity of our Being. No matter what sign the Sun is in, it always refers to this creative energy. A healthy expression of our sun sign always leads to authenticity. Being true to ourselves turns on our inner sun until the chakra wheel is fully empowered.

Sun in Aries

The Sun in Aries indicates that our Being ignites with inspiration. To have the solar plexus chakra balanced we need to validate our vital impulses as the source of personal power. We are the pioneers of the Zodiac, masters of action.

Sun in Taurus

The Sun in Taurus indicates that our our Being ignites with experimentation through the senses. To have the solar plexus chakra balanced we need to validate our perseverance and slowness as the source of personal power. We are the sculptors of the Zodiac, masters of manifestation.

Sun in Gemini

The Sun in Gemini indicates that our Being ignites with communication and the exchange of ideas. To have the solar plexus chakra balanced we need to validate our adaptability as the source of personal power. We are the journalists of the Zodiac, masters of information.

Sun in Cancer

The Sun in Cancer indicates that our Being lights up with emotions. To have the solar plexus chakra balanced we need to validate our feelings as the source of personal power. We are the mothers (both women and men) of the Zodiac, masters of nurturing.

Sun in Leo

The Sun in Leo indicates that our Being lights up with self-expression. To have the solar plexus chakra balanced we need to validate our playfulness as the source of personal power. We are the performers of the Zodiac, masters of creative expression.

Sun in Virgo

The Sun in Virgo indicates that our Being turns on with classification and order. To have the solar plexus chakra balanced we need to validate our efficiency as the source of personal power. We are the analysts of the Zodiac, masters of the organization.

Sun in Libra

The Sun in Libra indicates that our Being ignites with relationships. To have the solar plexus chakra harmonized we need to validate our quest for balance as the source of personal power. We are the harmonizers of the Zodiac, masters of diplomacy.

Sun in Scorpio

The Sun in Scorpio indicates that our Being ignites with the fusion with transformation through fusion. To have the solar plexus chakra balanced we need to validate our emotional intensity as the source of personal power. We are the psychologists of the Zodiac, masters of emotional depth.

Sun in Sagittarius

The Sun in Sagittarius indicates that our Being ignites with the exploration of what is unfamiliar. To have the solar plexus chakra balanced we need to validate our traveling spirit as the source of personal power. We are the philosophers of the Zodiac, masters of expansion.

Sun in Capricorn

The Sun in Capricorn indicates that our Being lights up with responsibility. To have the solar plexus chakra balanced we need to validate the ability to structure reality as the source of personal power. We are the managers of the Zodiac, masters of achievement.

Sun in Aquarius

The Sun in Aquarius indicates that our Being lights up with the liberation of rigidity. To have the solar plexus chakra balanced we need to validate our inventiveness as the source of personal power. We are the disruptors of the Zodiac, masters of freedom.

Sun in Pisces

The Sun in Pisces indicates that our Being lights up with the union with the Whole. To have the solar plexus chakra balanced we need to validate compassion as the source of our personal power. We are the mystics of the Zodiac, masters of universal love.

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