The Tarot speaks to us of universal archetypes found within our psyche, which we can access through symbolism and images. This allows us to dive into the wisdom of our unconscious and much more. These interpretations are simple and direct, aiming to connect you with the Tarot cards on an everyday and straightforward level.
For the reversed meanings, go here.
Major Arcana
- The Fool: Take the risk; leap into the unknown.
- The Magician: Use your skills; you have the power to create.
- The High Priestess: Trust your intuition; delve into your inner self.
- The Empress: Nurture and create; move forward with creative projects.
- The Emperor: Establish order and take control of the situation.
- The Hierophant: Follow the rules; seek guidance and counsel.
- The Lovers: Make a choice; follow your heart.
- The Chariot: Move forward with determination; you are in control.
- Justice: Seek balance; the truth will come to light.
- The Hermit: Reflect in solitude; seek inner wisdom.
- The Wheel of Fortune: Prepare for changes; trust in destiny.
- Strength: Use your inner strength; act with compassion.
- The Hanged Man: Embrace the pause; change your perspective.
- Death: Accept change; let go of the old.
- Temperance: Seek balance and harmony; moderate your actions.
- The Devil: Face your desires; recognize your attachments.
- The Tower: Prepare for transformation; accept the destruction of the false.
- The Star: Keep hope alive; trust in the future.
- The Moon: Navigate uncertainty; trust in your dreams.
- The Sun: Enjoy success; clarity is within reach.
- Judgment: It is time to reach a final conclusion.
- The World: Complete the cycle; you have achieved fulfillment.
Mirno Arcana
- Ace of Pentacles: Seize a new financial opportunity.
- Two of Pentacles: Maintain balance; manage your resources well.
- Three of Pentacles: Collaborate with others; teamwork will bear fruit.
- Four of Pentacles: Save your resources; be prudent with money.
- Five of Pentacles: Face financial difficulties; seek support.
- Six of Pentacles: Give and receive with generosity; balance the scales.
- Seven of Pentacles: Be patient; results are on the way.
- Eight of Pentacles: Work hard; perfect your skills.
- Nine of Pentacles: Enjoy the fruits of your labor; value your independence.
- Ten of Pentacles: Family and financial stability; enjoy security.
- Page of Pentacles: Learn something new; stay curious about practical matters.
- Knight of Pentacles: Move forward cautiously and with planning in financial matters.
- Queen of Pentacles: Take care of yourself and those around you; enjoy material comfort.
- King of Pentacles: Lead with confidence; make solid financial decisions.
- Ace of Cups: Open your heart; allow love or emotion to enter.
- Two of Cups: Connect in a relationship; love or friendship blossoms.
- Three of Cups: Celebrate with friends; enjoy the sense of community.
- Four of Cups: Reflect on what you have; consider new possibilities.
- Five of Cups: Acknowledge the pain, but don’t dwell on it.
- Six of Cups: Remember the past fondly; memories guide you.
- Seven of Cups: Explore your options; stay open to possibilities.
- Eight of Cups: Leave behind what no longer serves you; move forward.
- Nine of Cups: Enjoy what you’ve achieved; your wishes are coming true.
- Ten of Cups: Full happiness in home life; enjoy family harmony.
- Page of Cups: Open your heart to new emotions or relationships.
- Knight of Cups: Follow your emotions; let them guide you.
- Queen of Cups: Trust your intuition; care for your emotions and others’.
- King of Cups: Manage your emotions with maturity and understanding.
- Ace of Swords: Seek the truth; make clear decisions.
- Two of Swords: Face difficult decisions; seek balance.
- Three of Swords: Acknowledge the pain; it’s necessary to move forward.
- Four of Swords: Rest and recover; take a breather.
- Five of Swords: Learn from defeat; not all conflicts are worth it.
- Six of Swords: Move towards calmer waters; leave difficulties behind.
- Seven of Swords: Be strategic; act with care.
- Eight of Swords: Recognize your limitations; seek the way out.
- Nine of Swords: Face your fears; don’t let anxiety take over.
- Ten of Swords: Accept the end of a painful situation; it’s the start of something new.
- Page of Swords: Be curious; investigate and question.
- Knight of Swords: Act swiftly; defend your ideas.
- Queen of Swords: Use logic and reason; maintain mental clarity.
- King of Swords: Lead with authority; make decisions based on truth.
- Ace of Wands: Start a new creative project or adventure.
- Two of Wands: Plan and visualize your future; decide your next step.
- Three of Wands: Anticipate good results; your efforts are paying off.
- Four of Wands: Celebrate achievements and stability; enjoy the moment.
- Five of Wands: Face competition; overcome challenges.
- Six of Wands: Celebrate your victory; recognition is on the way.
- Seven of Wands: Stand your ground; defend your position.
- Eight of Wands: Move quickly; action is key.
- Nine of Wands: Persevere; you’re close to the finish.
- Ten of Wands: Manage your responsibilities; don’t carry more than necessary.
- Page of Wands: Be enthusiastic; explore new opportunities.
- Knight of Wands: Move forward with passion and energy; act decisively.
- Queen of Wands: Lead with confidence; be creative and charismatic.
- King of Wands: Take charge; lead with vision and determination.
These interpretations provide clear and direct guidance on the action or attitude to take when each Minor Arcana card appears upright in a reading.
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