The people who attract us act as mirrors of our own inner world. As we unravel the qualities of our rising sign, our relationships become richer and more balanced. The natal chart shows us the way to this harmonization through the axis of the Ascendant-Descendant.
In this article we will look at the meaning of the 7th House in the first six signs of the Zodiac.
Read more about the meaning of the 7th House.
Aries in the 7th House – Libra in the 1st House
Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac. The beginning of Life. By analogy, we can say that for Libra rising, life begins when we enter into a relationship. This is what motivates us to leave our own world. But, of course, we will face some challenges. We must develop the art of diplomacy as we love to make agreements with those we associate with.
So… how this is done? With this placement, we will be drawn to interact with people who will challenge us. For example, we might find ourselves in relationships with individualistic, quarrelsome, loud, and selfish individuals, as these guys will test our own sense of self. Are we capable to ask for what we want? Do we go for it?
Libra loves togetherness. The challenge here is finding the balance between individuality and partnership, maintaining the space between two people who support each other.
Taurus in the 7th House – Scorpio in the 1st House
With this placement, balanced relationships are those in which the content is more important than the form. With Taurus rising we are learning what our boundaries are, what is pleasant and what is important according to our values. With the Descendant in Scorpio we are attracted to relationships that make us feel that we are more than a body. We are transforming our values as we deepen our emotions.
The path of self-knowledge leads us to relate to individuals that we perceive as tortured, obsessive, controlling individuals, since these types of relationships help us discover what we really value.
Balance is found when we associate with people who seek intensity in emotional pleasure rather than pain. In this way, we will deepen our own emotions in the relationship, until we feel that we truly merge with the other.
Gemini in the 7th House – Sagittarius in the 1st House
Our ideal relationships are those in which we can explore new possibilities, new cultures and / or philosophies. With the Ascendant in Gemini we develop the ability to communicate, study and diversify our interests and we feel attracted to associations that allow us to live new experiences. In this way, our ability to understand the world improves through the relationships we form with others.
The path to self-knowledge leads us to associate with individuals that we perceive as impatient, know-it-all, tactless moralistic, as these types of relationships help us develop our thinking and communication skills.
Balance is found when we interact with those who are in search of Truth rather than those who believe they have found it. In this way we learn to explore beyond what we know and to broaden our vision of the world through relationships.
Cancer in the 7th House – Capricorn in the 1st House
Our ideal relationships are those in which we can feel nurtured and cared for. With Capricorn rising we develop the ability to take responsibility, to work hard, to achieve our ambitions and we partner with individuals who care for us, who protect us and who support our projects. In this way, our ventures can succeed.
The path to self-knowledge leads us to interact with individuals that we perceive as moody, dependent, insecure, since these types of relationships help us to look for what really nurtures us emotionally.
Balance is found when we interact with caring individuals who provide us with emotional security instead of incessantly asking for it. In this way we learn to nurture emotional ties and begin to form relationships that include attention and care.
Leo in the 7th House – Aquarius in the 1st House
With this position, the most appropriate relationships are those in which our self-expression is dignified. With Aquarius rising we are developing inventiveness, originality and a sense of social equality and we partner with creative and expressive individuals who, in some way, are important within their social circle.
The path to self-knowledge might lead us to relate with individuals that we perceive as tyrannical, proud, arrogant individuals, since these types of relationships help us discover the true dignity in our being.
Balance is found when we partner with those who make us feel creative and special rather than their satellites. In this way, we learn to feel our own brilliance and to unfold our talents for society.
Virgo in the 7th House – Pisces in the 1st House
With this position, the most suitable relationships are those that maintain an orderly routine. With Pisces rising we are developing the ability to break the limits of reality and be able to unite with the Whole through compassion and surrender. We partner with down-to-earth people who are good on the details of what surround us.
The path to self-knowledge leads us to interact with individuals that we perceive as critical, irritable, skeptical, cynical individuals, since these types of relationships help us discover our ability to see the beautiful in everything.
We find balance when we associate with those who help us see our own qualities rather than emphasize what they consider to be our shortcomings. In this way we learn to pay attention to the details that make each other truly beautiful and thus make this world a better place for everyone.