The 7th House – The World of You and I

The 7th house is the first astrological house that describes our relationship with the outside world. This house describes how we relate to others and the type of relationships we are attracted to. Being a cardinal house, it describes the initial impulse that prompts us to relate to others. It defines the kind of relationship we seek with those with whom we live, with our partners, clients, and all those with whom we socialize.

The 7th House shows us the natural way to approach relationships with others. This is where we first become aware of the existence of the Other.

In the 7th house we see the ideal association that corresponds to our personality, taking into account the characteristics of the sign that is in the cusp of the 1st house. It is when we are able to complement these two energies that we are able to feel in relation to the other.

Many times, we initiate relationships based on our desires (Mars), personal preferences (Venus), the familiarity we feel (Moon), or the attention we receive (Sun). Although all this can give us some satisfaction, it is 7th House that describes the ideal scenario that will enhance the expression of our being (House 1) within a relationship. This is how we view the natal chart from a holistic point of view. Knowing the meaning of the seventh house and what it represents in our birth chart helps us in the same way that a map can help us find our way to our destination.

Note: in a way, the polarity between opposite signs can be compared with the positions of the North and South Nodes. The presence of the nodes in any of these signs indicates an emphasis on what we seek to integrate in this incarnation to harmonize our being.

7th House Keywords

  • the natural attitude towards relationships and / or associations
  • the path to harmonious relationships (House 1 integration)
  • what we need to feel in relationship to the Other

The Ruler of the 7th House

The planet that rules the sign of the cusp of the 7th House is called the ruler of the house. For example, if Aries is in the 7th House, the ruler of the 7th House is Mars. The position of the ruler of the 7th House describes the area of life that takes importance when choosing our relationships. For example, the ruler of 7 in the 2nd house, the associations we have directly influence our personal worth.

The Planets in the 7th House

When we find one or more planets in the 7th House, they represent the parts of our being that we want to show to the outside world and especially, the parts of ourselves that stand out and we share in our relationships.

In short:

  • The Sun in the 7th House indicates that relationships highlight our identity.
  • The Moon in the 7th House indicates relationships that highlight our emotionality and care (maternal instinct in both women and men).
  • Mercury in the 7th House indicates that relationships highlight our intellect and our conversational skills.
  • Venus in the 7th House indicates that relationships highlight our beauty and harmony.
  • Mars in the 7th House indicates that relationships highlight our courage and initiative.
  • Jupiter in the 7th House indicates that relationships highlight our beliefs and philosophies.
  • Saturn in the 7th House indicates that relationships highlight our sense of duty and responsibility.
  • Uranus in the 7th House indicates that relationships highlight our originality and vision for the future.
  • Neptune in the 7th House indicates that relationships highlight our spirituality and universal union.
  • Pluto in the 7th House indicates that relationships highlight our intensity and capacity for regeneration.

“Love is a decision. It is not an emotion.”

Lao Tzu

The 7th House in Synastry

In chart comparisons (or synastry), when a person’s planets fall into our 7th House, our personal relationship with the energies of the planet in question is activated within us. The reaction we have towards this aspect has more to do with our personal experiences with the planet than with the other person. We might create a “projection” on the other person of what we know about this energy. When we become aware of it, relationships become a path to self-knowledge.

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