Main transits of June, 2022
June 3rd – Mercury in Taurus becomes Direct at 26°05′
June starts with Mercury retrograde in Taurus. After a few weeks of foggie minds, delays on merchandise and reviewing our assets and the way we think about them and organize them, on June 3rd Mercury goes direct once again. We start the shadow retrograde period until June 18th, where we might deal with things from the past but with a new perspective, so we act differently this time.
June 4th – Saturn in Aquarius Retrograde at 25° 15′
Saturn enters retrograde on June 4 at 25° Aquarius and ends on October 23 at 18° Aquarius. This is a time to review our commitments, responsibilities and what is important to us in regards to what we want for the future. Things from the past might show up as we start a 5 months journey back to to time.
June 13th – Mercury in Gemini
Communications and social media enters into focus now. Mercury is in its own sign, spreading the word!
June 14th – Super Full Moon in Sagittarius at 23° 25′
Time to reap what we have sow six months ago, during the New Moon in Gemini. From all that we have studied and learned in this period, we can now see what really helps us to expand our horizons.
June 21st – Sun enters Cancer
Happy birthday Cancer! The light shines on home, nurturing and care.
June 22nd – Venus enters Gemini
The goddess of love enters into the sign of communications, social gatherings and humor. We will see the beautification of social media. Good time to start the course about something you like.
June 27th – New Moon in Cancer 7° 23′ – Neptune in Pisces Retrograde 25° 26′
The New Moon in Cancer take us to go inwards and plant new seeds focusing on our emotional wellbeing. Neptune starts its retrograde period on Pisces, which will last until December 3rd. Coinciding with the New Moon, we will feel again everything that we have shared on a collective level. The world of dreams can tell us what dwells in the unconscious.
Want to learn more about Neptune in Pisces? Watch this video.
Subscribe and don’t miss my next video about Saturn and Neptune retrograde for each sign!
Longer transits
(red means Retrograde motion)
Jupiter in Aries from 3° 58′ to 7° 30′
The expansion of desire!
Saturn in Aquarius from 25° 14 to 24° 42′
The structuration of ideologies. Watch video about this transit.
Uranus in Taurus from 16° 19′ to 17° 43′
The innovation of economy and personal values. Watch video about this transit.
Neptune in Pisces from 25° 15′ to 25° 27′
The blending and integration of everything. Watch video about this transit.
Pluto in Capricorn from 28° 22′ to 27° 49′
The transformation of the status quo. Watch video about this transit.
North Node in Taurus 22° 29′ to 21° 28′
Getting focused on material security. Watch video about this transit.