The Suit of Wands in Tarot

The Fire Element and the Wands In Tarot, the Fire element is associated with…

The Meaning of the Major Arcana

What is the Esoteric Tarot Esoteric Tarot refers to an interpretation and…

lilith scorpio

Lilith in Scorpio

The Lilith archetype in astrology Defining Lilith is almost impossible from…

Lilith, The Black Moon, in Libra

The Lilith archetype in astrology Defining Lilith is almost impossible from…

Lilith Virgo

Lilith, The Black Moon, in Virgo

The Lilith archetype in astrology Defining Lilith is almost impossible from…

Lilith Leo

Lilith, The Black Moon, in Leo

The Lilith archetype in astrology Defining Lilith is almost impossible from…

Kabbalistic Astrology

Astrology and the Tree of Life Kabbalistic astrology shows us the…

Regency, Triplicity and Decans

Domicile, Exaltation, Fall, and Detriment (or Exile) In astrology, the…

The Transit of the North Node in Aries

North Node in Aries – Dates July 12, 2023, through January 28, 2025 What…

Jupiter Enters Taurus

When we read the transits that activate our birth chart, their interpretation…

The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio in the Signs and Houses

The Meaning of Eclipses in Astrology When the Moon and the Sun form a…