Astrological Interpretation

Pluto in Aquarius 2023-2044

Pluto’s transit in Aquarius begins on March 23, 2023, until June 11, 2023, when it returns to Capricorn. On January 21, 2024 Pluto re-enters Aquarius again, where it will stay for 20 years. What can we expect during this period? First, let's talk…

The Astrology of 2022 and the Major Planetary Transits

We have just started 2022. This year comes with very strong energies that we see in the different planetary transits that form in the sky. Right now Jupiter is transiting Pisces, which softens our emotions and bathes them with compassion and…

Your Soul’s Purpose

Have you ever wondered why you live certain situations? Or what are you looking to achieve at an evolutionary level? What is my Soul purpose? This is a question we ask ourselves many times. Our birth chart can give us an idea of it. Through the…

The 7th House and its Meaning in Astrology

The 7th House - The World of You and I The 7th house is the first astrological house that describes our relationship with the outside world. This house describes how we relate to others and the type of relationships we are attracted to. Being a…

1965 … The Year Uranus and Pluto Created a New Paradigm

If we look at the concept of the old paradigm that, in a certain way, still fights to stay alive and that had its peak especially during the 1950s of the last century, we see that the masculine archetype has been molded from the Fire element - the…

Paula Lustemberg

Paula Lustemberg

I’m an astrologer who deciphers. I weave cosmic codes into words and turn the sky into meaning.

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