Your Birth Chart

A Map to Navigate Life

Astrology is a navigation system that reveals how we operate within time and space. It does not dictate a fixed destiny, but understanding it transforms the way we move through life.

What is Contemporary Mystical Astrology (CMA)?

Contemporary Mystical Astrology (CMA) is a new way of understanding astrology that goes beyond traditional psychological or predictive models. Instead of seeing planets and signs as external influences, CMA interprets the natal chart as an energetic map—a system that organizes perception, consciousness, and the flow of time.

Rather than focusing on personality traits or life events, CMA explores astrology as a structural code of existence that reveals how each individual interacts with reality.

Two Ways to Read the Natal Chart

  • The visible dimension: The classical interpretation, focused on psychology and tangible experience.
  • The vibratory dimension (CMA: The natal chart as an energetic code that organizes perception and consciousness within time.

The 12 Signs: Fundamental Archetypes and Vibrational Structures

The signs are essential patterns of existence. They are not personality traits but vibrational structures that determine how we interact with reality.

Sign Visible Dimension
Vibratory Dimension
Aries Initiative, action,
impulse, and courage.
Frequency of acceleration
and breaking inertia.
Activates movement and
generates a new field
of experience.
Taurus Stability, materialization,
Frequency of consolidation.
Allows energy to settle
into the tangible and
sustain its structure.
Gemini Versatility, communication,
Oscillation between points
of perception. Keeps the
system expanding through
Cancer Protection, nurturing,
emotional memory.
Containment frequency.
Regulates the flow between
the internal and external,
maintaining system cohesion.
Leo Expression, magnetism,
Radiation of being.
Expands identity in a
luminous way and generates
resonance with its surroundings.
Virgo Analysis, order,
Frequency adjustment.
Organizes vibrations to
create efficiency and
precision in manifestation.
Libra Balance, beauty,
Synchronization of opposing
energies. Regulates harmony
between frequencies within
a shared field.
Scorpio Intensity, transformation,
Transmutation point.
Breaks obsolete structures
to regenerate energy flow.
Sagittarius Expansion, knowledge,
Expansion of perception.
Breaks conceptual limits
and opens paths in
Capricorn Construction, ambition,
Crystallization of energy.
Defines the architecture
of time within experience.
Aquarius Innovation, independence,
Restructuring of vibratory
patterns. Introduces new
frequencies into the system.
Pisces Sensitivity, intuition,
Dissolution of energetic
limits. Connects with
the timeless flow
of existence.

The 12 Houses: Life Scenarios and Fields of Manifestation

The houses show where the action takes place. In CMA, they are the contact points between consciousness and manifested reality.

House Visible Dimension
Vibratory Dimension
1. Self and Identity How we present
ourselves to the world.
Access point to the
perception of the embodied self.
2. Resources and Self-Worth Relationship with matter
and security.
Resonance with tangible
energy. Frequency of
accumulation and sustenance.
3. Communication and Thought Expression, mind,
Connection node between
perception and language.
Organizes the transmission of information.
4. Home and Roots Origin, family,
emotional security.
Anchoring point of
vibratory memory. Determines
the frequency of grounding.
5. Creativity and Self-Expression Pleasure, love,
expanded identity.
Radiation of being in
its most authentic state.
Activates the emission of vital energy.
6. Work and Health Routines, service,
physical well-being.
Frequency adjustment
at the physical level.
Regulates the vibration of functionality.
7. Relationships and The Other Partners, associations,
Resonance field with
another consciousness.
Adjusts vibration through interaction.
8. Transformation and The Hidden Sexuality, death,
Collapse and rebirth
points. Catalyzes
the mutation of patterns.
9. Philosophy and Exploration Beliefs, expansion,
Expansion of perception.
Amplifies the system’s
resonance within time.
10. Vocation and Social Structure Career, reputation,
Vibratory architecture
of purpose. Defines the
relationship with external structures.
11. Networks and Future Vision Groups, collective
ideas, innovation.
Frequency of reconfiguration.
Introduces new dynamics
into the field of experience.
12. The Hidden and The Transcendental Unconscious, spirituality,
Dissolution of dense patterns.
Access point to subtler frequencies.

The 11 Planets, the Nodes, and Lilith

Each celestial body acts as a consciousness node, regulating the energetic flow within the system.

Celestial Body Visible Dimension
Vibratory Dimension
Sun Identity, vitality,
Radiation point
of the existence code.
Moon Emotion, security,
Regulates the rhythm of experience and emotional processing.
Mercury Communication, mind,
Transmission channel
and mental field adjustment.
Venus Love, desire,
Attraction of like
frequencies. Energetic resonance.
Mars Action, desire,
Activation of movement.
Breaks inertia.
Jupiter Expansion, confidence,
Expansion of perception.
Introduces new frequencies.
Saturn Structure, limits,
Crystallization of
energy within time.
Uranus Breakthrough, change,
Alteration of
vibratory patterns.
Neptune Intuition, sensitivity,
Dissolution of energetic barriers.
Pluto Transformation, power,
Collapse and vibratory
regeneration point.
Chiron Wounds, healing,
Resonance point
with fractured frequencies.
Lunar Nodes Destiny polarity and
karmic past.
Opposing forces that
can never integrate, creating
an evolutionary tension. The
pursuit of resolution drives
movement and transformation.
Lilith Repressed energy,
instinct, the dark feminine.
Primordial force that
exists beyond domestication.
It is not a shadow but
something predating any
social structure. It is raw,
pure, ancient, and wild.
It does not adjust; it exists.

Aspects: Internal Rhythms and Energetic Relationships

Aspects define how different forces interact within the system.

  • Conjunctions: Fusion of energies into a single vibratory field.
  • Oppositions: Polarization of frequencies in constant oscillation.
  • Squares: Friction points that generate energetic reorganization.
  • Trines: Natural resonance flow between frequencies.
  • Sextiles: Vibrational openings that activate new patterns.

Aspects are not just psychological dynamics; in their vibratory dimension, they are energetic adjustment points that maintain the system’s equilibrium.

Consciousness Engineering: Reading the Map in Two Dimensions

Astrology is not a fixed destiny. It is a navigation system that can be read from the visible dimension (psychological) and the vibratory dimension (a pattern of alignment with time).

It is not about changing the map, but about learning to read it on both levels. When you fully understand your design, you stop moving through trial and error.

Each path is unique, but understanding the map allows you to move forward with greater awareness.

If you want to explore your natal chart from this dual perspective and understand how your system works, you can book a personalized reading.