libra astrology

The Libra Archetype

Libra: Archetypal Energy in its Pure Form Element: Cardinal Air Air is one…


The Virgo Archetype

Virgo: Archetypal Energy in its Pure Form Element: Mutable Earth Earth is…

leo astrology

The Leo Archetype

Leo: Archetypal Energy in its Pure Form Element: Fixed Fire Fire is one of…

Cancer Astrology

The Cancer Archetype

Cancer: Archetypal Energy in its Pure Form Element: Cardinal Water Water…


The Gemini Archetype

Gemini: Archetypal Energy in its Pure Form Element: Mutable Air Air is one…


The Taurus Archetype

Taurus: Archetypal Energy in its Pure Form Element: Fixed Earth Earth is…

aries astrology

The Aries Archetype

Aries: Archetypal Energy in its Pure Form Element: Cardinal Fire Fire is…

Venus in the Signs

How do you discover the Twelve Venus of the Zodiac?

How do you discover the Venus of each sign? It is a question that invites us…

Moon in Libra

Moon in Libra

Observing the Moon through the lens of Libra introduces a dimension of…

Moon in Virgo

Moon in Virgo

Observing the Moon through the lens of Virgo offers a unique perspective on…

Moon in Leo

Moon in Leo

If we focus on interpreting the Moon primarily in its role of caring and…

Lilith in the houses

Lilith in the Houses: How Your 'Curse' Is Your Greatest Blessing

In the depths of our birth chart lies a powerful and often misunderstood…