Main Astrological Events of January 2023

  • January 1: Venus Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
  • January 2: Venus enters Aquarius
  • January 6: Saturn in Aquarius semi-sextile Neptune in Pisces (22 degrees, 52′)
  • January 6: Full Moon in Cancer (16 degrees 22′)
  • January 12: Mars Direct in Gemini (8 degrees 08′)
  • January 18: Mercury Direct in Capricorn (8 degrees 08′)
  • January 20: Sun in Aquarius
  • January 21: New Moon in Aquarius (1 degree 33′)
  • January 22: Uranus Direct in Taurus (14 degrees 57′)
  • January 26: Venus in Pisces

You may be interested: The Astrology of 2023 | The Prelude to the Great Changes

The first half of January 2023

2023 is a year that begins with energy in retrospect… despite a strong desire for action that Jupiter in Aries brings.

Mercury, in Capricorn, begins a short retrograde motion on December 29, 2022, joining Mars in Gemini, the planet of action, which has been retrograde since October 30, 2022, and Uranus, the higher octave of Mercury, which began its retrograde in Taurus on August 24, 2022.

These three planets represent different dimensions of “motion.” As the three are retrograde, we begin the year with a certain “lack of energy.” The best way to take advantage of these first days of January is by reassessing our goals! In addition, the Full Moon in Cancer on January 6 invites us to feel to what extent our emotional needs are synchronized with our objectives… And Venus in Aquarius puts our interest in our own ways.

Are we going to be happy and exultant on January 1st? Mmmm… naaaah. If we connect with the energetic rhythms, we will see that we feel more like being introspective than going out to a party! If there are delays, obstacles in communications, or short trips, it is because we want to go against the current!

On an energetic level, the year really begins on January 12, when Mars turns direct after 4 months of retrogradation! Mars, the ruler of Aries, says: Let’s go!

The second half of 2023

Now yes! … we are already on the move! Both Mercury and Mars are direct. And on January 22, Uranus joins! Finally… the new year begins! In the next 15 days, we will feel that many things are unlocked! Now is the time to dare to speak our minds, to act quickly and skillfully.

In any case, we can expect surprises! Also, Uranus turns direct after the New Moon in Aquarius! We need innovation… but we don’t know what yet! The energy of the New Moon is full of promise… In Aquarius, it is the promise of something new, unusual, and extraordinary. This energy is born from a collective need. These days will largely mark the rest of the year.

For each sign, check your Sun, Moon and Ascendant. Also valid for Mercury, Venus and Mars.

Guide for Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius

Everyone with planets in any of these three signs starts the year with a lot of energy, especially those with positions in the first degrees of these signs.

Chiron continues its transit through Aries, at 11 degrees. Those who have planets or major points near Chiron may experience situations where the energy of spontaneity suffers, for one reason or another. However, this is a good time to review the way we communicate with others. By the way… Jupiter entered Aries on December 20, 2022. Choose your battles wisely.

Leo is experiencing – for some time already- a square by Uranus and an opposition with Saturn. The trine of Chiron in Aries and the sextile with Mars in Gemini indicate that the obstacles and tensions that may be felt occur so that we learn to say what we think spontaneously. So, if you were wondering… this is why!

Sagittarius can feel a bit lost and directionless for quite some time, especially those with planets in the last decan, as they receive Neptune’s square from Pisces… for a long time already! Here we receive the support of Saturn in Aquarius, which is teaching us to put ourselves in context and explore reality in a more objective way. So, don’t worry if you don’t know where to go… it’s natural at these times.

Guide for Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn

Earth signs are strongly supported by the energies of the moment. Perhaps they are the ones who have the best time during this season!

Taurus, although it has hosted Uranus for a few years, this month receives strong trines from the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto. Uranus in Taurus has been shaking up the personal values of Taureans. However, this month, all those with planets or astrological points in Taurus can take advantage of very clear direction when it comes to goals, as well as help and support.

The same goes for Virgo, who, if they focus on what truly brings them joy – and for Virgo, that means responsibility and perfection, can avoid pointless arguments. Those with planets in the last decan will still feel Neptune’s influence… until 2025. While this could indicate a strong feeling of victimization, this is something Virgo should explore. Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus form an energetic trine with Virgo that works for the transformation of objectives and the renewal of personal values. Along with the energy of Neptune, Virgo is dissolving the illusions that lead them to need to “be needed.”

Capricorn is the lucky one of the moment… at least those who have already passed through the energy of Pluto! On January 6, the Full Moon in Cancer can make you feel that, at the beginning of the month, emotions require more attention than usual. This situation activates the trine with Uranus from Taurus… It is a time to renew personal values and take better care of yourself. The Full Moon calls for a balance between work and family, between responsibility and personal comfort. This month, with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in your sign and Uranus trine from Taurus, Capricorn feels fulfilled because it finds the unforeseen happening mostly pleasurable, especially towards the end of January.

Guide for Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius

With strong Earth energy, Air signs are going to start the year with too many practical issues to deal with…much to their chagrin. However, on January 2, with the entry of Venus into Aquarius, they can finally take a breath… especially those who have placements in the first decan of the Air signs. Later, on January 18, when Mars turns direct, everything starts flowing again.

Gemini comes from a long season with Mars retrograde in their sign. During the last four months, and during the transit of Saturn in Aquarius, the Gemini voice has been quieted while Saturn in Aquarius has been teaching them about mental structures based on something real, at the same time as the square of Neptune from Pisces (especially for the third decan) has acted as a support to discourage “fantasy”. Starting January 18, Mars turns direct. For Gemini, this signals the end of the lesson and a return to action.

Libra will surely feel that there are too many obligations to follow. However, Saturn from Aquarius teaches you to take “having a good time” seriously! For the past few months, it has been more important to find a unique way to express creativity than to socialize. As of January 12 things change. Now with a very clear purpose in mind, it’s time to explore new ideas and focus on your intellectual development and growth

Aquarius has been feeling quite contracted in recent months. With Saturn in their sign and Uranus in Taurus, you have had to accept that reality is much more than a concept. This has been an excellent time to discover yourself, to learn what it is to be different, and unique, and to discover the limitations caused by our own idiosyncrasies. The beginning of 2023 comes with the entry of Venus into Aquarius, which gives you a great dose of self-esteem. Take advantage of it and feel beautiful! From the second week of January, you will feel with great energy again, and you will be able to communicate what you have been learning this last year.

Guide for Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces

For those who have personal planets or angles in any of these three signs, this beginning of the year is very good for connecting with emotions and letting go of what does not nourish you. Daring to feel the dissatisfaction that has accumulated in the last six months will allow you to flow more smoothly.

For Cancer, the Full Moon on January 6 in their own sign connects you with your emotional needs. This month comes with strong Capricorn energy. Cancer can feel overwhelmed by social commitments that do not allow them to stay at home. Now is a good time to connect with the inner child and listen to her or his complaints! – this goes especially for those who have planets in the last decan of Cancer, who have received the opposition of Pluto for a long time. Lilith is in Cancer. Read this article to learn more about this energy.

For Scorpio, who has been receiving the opposition of Uranus and the square of Saturn for all of 2022, the Full Moon in Cancer can feel like a balm of affection and care! The South Node continues to transit Scorpio. For those in the first decan, this can feel like repeating experiences from the past. The lesson is to look for what gives calm instead of intensity. For the third decan of Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces allows the integration of the internal revolution that creates the opposition of Uranus from Taurus. For all Scorpios, relaxing and allowing emotions to flow within one will make these times not only more bearable but also transcendental.

Pisces have an opportunity to connect with social reality and develop a kind of magical realism these days. During the second half of January, when Mars turns direct, you can feel a bit scattered… It’s important to stick to the concrete during these weeks. A strong Capricorn energy helps keep your feet on the ground. These days, communicating our ideas can make us lose ourselves in endless discussions… however, in this way, we will renew our personal values while we align ourselves with self-realization.

The Astrology of January 2023 | All Signs – WATCH THE VIDEO

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